报告题目:The Lp Minkowski problem for q-capacity
报告摘要:Existence and uniqueness of the solution to the Lp Minkowski problem for q-capacity are proved when p>1 and 1<q<n. These results are nonlinear extensions of the very recent solution to the Lp Minkowski problem for q-capacity when p=1 and 1<p<n by CNSXYZ and AGHLV, and the classical solution to the Minkowski problem for electrostatic capacity when p=1 and q=2 by Jerison. This work will appear in Journal of Differential Geometry.:报告人简介:邹都,任教于武汉科技大学,2017 年获批“楚天学者计划”,2018年任楚天学子岗位,副教授,享受教授待遇。从事凸几何分析的研究,目前在国际著名期刊Adv. Math.; J. Differential Geom.; Adv. Appl. Math.; IMRN; CVPDE上发表论文多篇。