1.1996.07 四川师范大学数学系,获理学学士学位
2.2004.07 重庆大学运筹学与控制论,获获硕士学位
1.1996.07-2004.09 渝州大学数学系教师
2.2004.09-2022.03 重庆工商大学数学与统计学院教师
3.图的因子理论及在密码学中的应用. 重庆市教委项目,2007-2009,参研,排名第6.
7.重庆工商大学课程改革项目, “概率论与数理统计”,2017年5月-2019年4月主持。
8.重庆市自然科学基金面上项目,(s,t)-超欧拉图问题及其在网络布局中的应用, 2019年7月1日至2022年6月30日,主持。
1.Lan Lei, Wei Xiong, Yikang Xie, Mingquan Zhan, Hong-Jian Lai, On (s, t)-supereulerian graphs with linear degree bounds, Discrete Mathematics, 344(2021), 112239. 5排1(SCI).
2.Lan Lei, Xianya Geng, Shuchao Li, Yingjun Peng, Yuantian Yu, On the normalized Laplacian of Möbius phenylene chain and its applications. International Journal quantum chemistry, Oct.,2019,1-18. 5排1(SCI).
3.Lan Lei, Xiaomin Li, Xiaoling Ma, Mingquan Zhan, Hong-Jian Lai, Chvátal-Erdös Conditions and Almost Spanning Trails. Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society,2020,43(6), 4375-4391. 5排1(网址:https://doi.org/10.1007/s40840-020-00928-5)(SCI).
4.Xianya Geng, Ping Wang, Lan Lei, and Shujing Wang,On the Kirchhoff Indices and the Number of Spanning Trees of Möbius Phenylenes Chain and Cylinder Phenylenes Chain. Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds. 2019年11月28日已线上发表,网址:https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10406638.2019.1693405, 4排2(SCI).
5.Xiao-min Li, Lan Lei, Hong-Jian Lai, The connectivity of generalized graph products,2018, Information Processing Letters 136 (2018) 37–40, 3排2 (SCI).
6.Yuan Demei, Lei Lan, Some results following from conditional characteristic functions. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 45(2016), 3706-3720. 2排2(SCI).
7.Lan Lei, Xiaomin Li, Bin Wang, Hong-Jian Lai,Note On (s,t)-supereulerian graphs in locally highly connected graphs,Discrete Mathematics 310(2010),929-934.4排1(SCI).
8.De-Mei Yuan, Li-Ran Wei, and Lan Lei,Conditional central limit theorems for a sequence of conditionally independent random variables,J. Korean Math. Soc. 51 (2014), No. 1, 1–15.3排3(SCI)
9.Xiao Min LI ,Lan LEI,Hong-Jian LAI,Meng ZHANG,Supereulerian Graphs and the Petersen Graph,Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series,(数学学报英文版)Feb., 2014, Vol. 30, No. (2),291–304.4排2(SCI)
10.YUAN DeMei, LEI Lan, Some conditional results for conditionally strong mixing sequences of random variables, SCIENCE CHINA Mathematics (中国科学),April 2013 Vol. 56 No. 4: 845–859. 2排2(SCI)
11. Xiaolin Ma, Lan Lei, Mingquan Zhang, On the line graph of a graph with diameter 2, Discrete Mathematics 344(2021),112177。3排2(SCI)
12.Lan Lei, Jia Wei, Yikang Xie, Mingquan Zhan ,Hong-Jian Lai ,A Condition on Hamilton-Connected Line Graphs ,Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society,2022,45, 807-817. 5排1(SCI)
13.Lan Lei , Wei Xiong , Yikang Xie, Mingquan Zhan, Hong-Jian Lai, On the extended Clark-Wormold Hamiltonian-like index problem, Discrete Mathematics, Volume 345, Issue 4, April 2022, 112745. 5排1(SCI)