学术报告1: From linear algebra to resonant wave phenomena
报告人: 陆雅言教授(香港城市大学数学系)
报告时间: 2019年11月26日(星期二)15:00-17:30
报告地点: 新图书馆会议中心三会议室
摘要: Resonance is important to mechanical systems (buildings, bridges, airplanes) and wave systems (sound waves, electromagnetic waves, light, matter waves). For a mechanical structure, if the external force has a frequency close to its natural frequency, the structure can have a violent vibration, and that is the resonance phenomena. From the perspective of linear algebra, the natural frequencies are eigenvalues of a matrix, the vibration caused by a forcing may be described by a linear system. The mechanical system may be dissipative, then the natural frequencies are complex. Wave systems are usually open. For example, you can hear the sound from a loud speaker, because it is open, i.e., it radiates energy into the surrounding air. Open wave systems are more difficult to describe by linear algebra, because outgoing waves satisfy typically complicated radiation conditions. However, there is a so-called lattice model, which can be reduced to simple linear algebra problems, but it can describe resonant wave phenomena for open structures, and it gives a very nice illustration for concepts such as resonant frequencies, local field enhancement, quality factors, continuous spectra, and embedded eigenvalues. It also gives good physical examples for eigenvalues with geometric multiplicity less than algebraic multiplicity, which give rise to Jordan blocks of size larger than one.
报告人简介: 陆雅言教授,1988年于麻省理工学院获得博士学位,现为香港城市大学数学系教授。目前主要从事微纳光子结构的数学理论、模型和数值方法方面的研究,主持香港政府与各界基金项目近30项,在SIAM J. Appl. Math.、Phys. Rev. A、Opt. Lett.、Opt. Express、J. Comput. Phys.、J. Lightw. Technol.等相关领域SCI杂志发表论文200余篇。
报告人: 韩德专教授(重庆大学物理学院)
报告时间: 2019年11月26日(星期二)15:00-17:30
报告地点: 新图书馆会议中心三会议室
摘要:近年来,很多新的物理效应如拓扑效应、类量子效应,被发现广泛存在于光子体系之中。这些光子体系包括光子晶体、表面等离激元体系、超构材料、以及二维材料如石墨烯等等。基于周期结构的能带理论,和“体-边界”对应的原理,人们能够在发生拓扑相变的界面处找到对应的界面态。与之相对的,超出能带理论,拓扑性质还能在其他参数空间展现出来。本报告将简介我们在这两方面的一些进展,分别包括:1) 一维系统中的SSH模型和二维系统中的“谷偏振”界面态;2) 平板光子晶体和表面等离激元体系中的连续谱中的束缚态(BIC)。我们提出一种“相干全反射”机制并推广了传统的波导条件,由此可以自然地得到平板光子晶体中的BIC。在金属纳米小球构成的SSH链中,我们解析证明了偶然的BIC的存在性,并得到了相应的相图。
报告人简介:韩德专,重庆大学“百人计划”研究员。2001年复旦大学本科,2003年纽约大学硕士,2007复旦大学博士,香港科技大学博士后。主要研究领域是光子晶体、表面等离激元和超构材料。已在Nat. Commun., Phys. Rev.和OSA系列等杂志发表SCI论文近50篇,他引1200余次。